
How to increase the security of your login ?

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You probably have heard that strong passwords are important for your online security. The internet is full of hacks and vulnerabilities that you need to be aware of if you want your data secure. This includes passwords, forms on websites, email and social media accounts. You need to make sure that your passwords are protected and not easily hacked!

In this blog, I will show you how to create a two-factor authentication solution for your login. This solution helps you prevent unauthorized access to your accounts on the internet by using a password and a one-time password that is especially generated dynamically for connection. This keeps hackers from using brute force attacks on account to gain unauthorized access.


You might have heard of this new way to authenticate your account or content on popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. This is called “2-Factor Authentication” or 2FA. 2FA solutions make it easier to protect yourself against hackers and scammers while offering a more secure login experience.

Two-factor authentication solutions are gaining popularity in the internet world. These solutions use two or more factors to authenticate your identity. The most popular of these is Google Authenticator but there are many other solutions that can be used to authenticate your identity. The key to the authentication process is a secret PIN that you need to input on each device you use to log into your account. . A two-factor authentication solution can be used if you need an extra layer of security for example if you’re using a sensible account with admin access or to login at your bank website.

How to set up this solution ? : 

  1. Download the 2FA application. 
  • Google Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Authy
  • Step TWO
  1. Select 2FA into the setting of your account ( often security )
  2. The website give to you a Key or a QR code to enter in your software 
  3. Synchronize after entering the key

How to login with 2FA ? :

You log in as usual, just one more step is added to ask for the authenticator code. You then go on your application to recover this one and to reach your data.

Why add a 2FA to your website? 

There are numerous reasons why you would want to add a 2FA to your website. The most obvious reason is that it’s a way of securing your personal data. But there are also numerous other benefits for you, the user. 2FA means that the server you are connecting to uses two different pieces of information to verify the authenticity of your identity. You can use a simple one-time password or have multiple passwords on your site.

Therefore, you should consider adding a 2FA system to your website if you have not already done so. Below are some reasons why you should consider adding one to your website:

  • 🗂️ To provide more security for your personal info and data
  • 🔒 To ensure better user privacy
  • 💂 To reinforce good security practices
  • 🛡️ To protect yourself from possible fraud attempts
  • 📈 To enhance search engine optimization (SEO) rankings
  • 🏴‍☠️ To protect your business from hackers or malicious

If you want to implement this solution, GWS Technologies LTD. has the required skills and promotes greater website security.
Contact us to discuss it! 👉 👈

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